Why Customers Love optomap – Lone Star Vision

Posted on Saturday, July 18, 2015

Dr. Todd Brantley collaborates with this patients and other doctors to build stronger relationships. When Dr. Brantley brought Daytona into his practice, he made sure to let other doctors know. “We highlighted the benefits to referring doctors and they were amazed at how much information we could gather,” he says. These doctors have started referring patients to Lone Star Vision specifically to be imaged on the Daytona.

“The optomap® allows us to see and detect clinical signs earlier so that we can manage patients and reassure them that they are getting the best quality eye care. We can evaluate the retina and the structures of the eye in ways we couldn’t before with other technology. It’s 200° v 30°.”, says Dr. Brantley. In addition to building community, clinical decision-making, image quality, and patient education, Dr. Brantley believes that it is never too early to get the Daytona because it will help grow your practice faster.


Practice Information

– Lone Star Vision – TX

– Four doctor, private practice (multiple locations)


Reason for Purchase

– optomap image quality

– Patient education

– Revenue generation

– Higher quality of care


For more information on what Optos and optomap …


UWF Assists Doctors in Finding Key Symptoms for Diabetic Retinopathy

Posted on Tuesday, July 14, 2015

For people over 40, diabetic retinopathy (DR), is the number one reason for the development of blindness, and these numbers are expected to triple over the next few decades as the diabetes epidemic continues to grow, according to an article published by Retinal Physician. With the ability of optomap® to capture a high resolution, 200 degree view of the retina in a single scan, ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging may enable improved diagnosis, better classification, and earlier detection of disease progression, with the potential to guide our treatment strategies in patients with DR.


The traditional retinal imaging practice was to use a fundus camera and pupil dilation to achieve a 30 degree view of the retina. Capturing images from seven different fields to obtain a 100 degree view of the retina required skilled technical ability on behalf of the practitioner, as well as a high level of cooperation from the patient. Once wide-angled angiography entered the market, the viewing area of the retina was increased to between 150-160 degrees. However, the contact lenses required made the system more challenging for the doctor and was more intrusive to the patient than the fundus camera. The advent of Optos technology, which provides a …


Customer Testimonial: Safety Harbor Optical

Posted on Tuesday, July 7, 2015

An Optos device user since 2011, Dr. Shawn Hollander decided to purchase a Daytona, on the advice of a colleague. Dr. Hollander feels that the rental model suits his practice best, “Optos makes it attractive with the device and service all rolled into one price.” In addition, he is very happy with the more than 90 percent patient acceptance rate for optomap®, adding to his bottom line. Even offering a family discount (and the occasional no-cost image to illustrate to patients how important it is to his clinical decision making), his revenue from patient optomap images is more than double his monthly cost.


Dr. Hollander’s diabetic patients are also sharing their optomap images with their endocrinologists for more complete disease management and he often consults with retinal specialists. “The Daytona is like another employee in the form of equipment. It’s always there, and it’s always reliable.”


Practice Information:

— Safety Harbor Optical – Safety Harbor, FL

— Two doctor, private practice


Reason for Purchase:

— optomap image quality

— Patient education

— Disease management

— Revenue generation

— Higher quality of care


For more information on what Optos …


Practice Caution During Fireworks Eye Safety Month

Posted on Friday, July 3, 2015

Fireworks are beautiful and a great addition to large celebrations. Too often, however, people do not take proper precautions and suffer injuries when setting off or viewing the brilliant displays. July has been dedicated as Fireworks Safety Month to remind people that these explosive devices must be handled with safety in mind.



More than 9,000 injuries happen in the United States each year due to fireworks. As many as 6,300 of these injuries occur between June 18 and July 18, 20 percent of which are eye injuries. Another alarming statistic is that one in every six of the eye injuries results in permanent vision loss or blindness. Because injuries can be prevented, observing proper handling and safety rules are critical to protect vision.


All fireworks are dangerous if not properly handled. However, sparklers and bottle rockets that get out of control are among the worst. Most people do not realize that sparklers, which are often handled by children, burn approximately 1,000 degrees hotter than boiling water. A spark that lands in or on an eye can cause immediate and permanent damage. Bottle rockets can cause corneal abrasion, traumatic cataracts and optical nerve damage. The following safety tips should be observed …


Daily Supplements Great for Eye Health

Posted on Sunday, June 28, 2015

According to All About Vision, mounting research is proving that reaching the recommended daily intake of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and micronutrients can help  prevent the development of symptoms caused by many eye diseases. Some eye care providers are even recommending higher intake of specific eye supplements and vitamins for patients who are at risk for eye disease. While the following guide will provide you with information about the nutrients and recommended daily amounts if applicable, it is essential to discuss these supplements with your eye care provider as complications can arise from taking too much of some, or conflict with medications you may be taking.


Vitamin A

— May aid in preventing dry eyes and night blindness — Sources: liver, milk eggs and butter — Daily recommendation is 55 mcg


Vitamin C

— Thought to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts — Sources: broccoli, kale, strawberries and oranges — Daily recommendation is 90 mg for men and 70 mg for women


Vitamin D

— Possibly reduces risk of AMD — Sources: sunlight, fortified milk and juices, fatty fish such as salmon or sardines — No daily recommendation offered, but a minimum of 400 IU …


What are the Causes and Symptoms of Cataracts?

Posted on Monday, June 22, 2015

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness throughout the world, according to Prevent Blindness America. With more than 24 million people over 40 suffering from cataracts in the U.S. alone, Prevent Blindness America has declared June as Cataract Awareness Month. Because cataract surgery has a success rate of roughly 95 percent, education on the causes of cataracts, symptoms and treatment options can limit the numbers of people blinded by this affliction.


The lens of the eye is composed of mostly water and protein. A healthy lens is clear and allows light to pass through the eye to the retina where it signals the brain and ultimately translates into familiar images. Cataracts cause the lens to become cloudy, subsequently affecting the clarity of the images, or impairing vision completely.


More than 50 percent of Americans over the age of 80 will have cataracts or will have undergone cataract surgery, making age the most common cause of cataracts. This is because the protein that helps form the lens breaks down over time and begins to affect vision. Other causes of cataracts may include:


— Lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol — Exposure to the sun’s harmful rays — Diabetes …


Maintaining Healthy Eyesight is Crucial for Sustaining Senior Independence

Posted on Sunday, June 21, 2015

It is no secret that the aging process can affect vision, even in people who have not previously had any issues. You may find yourself squinting to see things in the distance, or holding your reading material closer to your face to see clearly. While you may be hesitant to see your eye care provider, regular comprehensive eye exams are more important at this stage of your life than ever. There are several eye conditions in seniors that can rob you of your sight before you even realize you have a problem.


Independence is critical to leading a full life and your vision plays a large role in sustaining it, especially as you age. While a healthy diet and exercise, as well as not smoking or drinking in excess, contribute to healthy vision, maintaining a schedule for comprehensive eye exams is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. According to the American Optometric Association, there are eye conditions, especially in those 60 and older, in seniors that can permanently affect your vision, and by the time you do feel there is a problem, the damage is often irreversible. Some of these conditions include:


— Age-related macular degeneration …


Living with Dry Eyes: Management of Symptoms & Further Treatment

Posted on Sunday, June 14, 2015

While the feeling of dry eyes, for many, is not a regular occurrence, it is a chronic condition for some and can cause permanent damage to the eye if not properly diagnosed and treated by an eye health practitioner. The following will discuss some dry eye symptoms and treatment that can help alleviate the discomfort.


In order to understand dry eye symptoms and treatment, a basic understanding of the underlying cause is essential. As you are likely aware, tears are the natural lubricants for your eyes. They are a complex mixture of oils, water and mucous that stop your eyes from drying out and help bathe away small particles that may irritate the eyes.


According to the National Eye Institute, chronic dry eye occurs when the eyes are not producing enough of the watery portion or tears, or not enough of the oils that keep tears from evaporating too quickly. Since the health the outer layer that covers the colored part of your eye (cornea) depends on keeping your eyes properly lubricated, chronic dry eye can cause permanent damage and potentially affect your vision. The following are some symptoms you may experience:


— Burning or stinging in your eyes — A constant …


Healthy Foods for Cataract Prevention

Posted on Monday, June 8, 2015

Age-related cataract development is one of the leading causes of blindness world wide, according to All About Vision. Characterized by a clouding of the lens in the eye, currently the only treatment to restore vision is surgical removal of the natural lens and replacing it with an artificial one. While the surgery is usually successful, research is showing some important links between diet and cataract prevention.


The general thought is cataracts form due to the breakdown of healthy cells that create the lens of the eye during the regular metabolic process that leads to cell-aging. Also known as oxidative stress, cells become damaged when there is not an ample oxygen ratio in our bodies. An excess of oxygen can turn this life-sustaining gas into free radicals that work to destroy healthy cells. For optimum cell reproduction, the more antioxidant-rich nutrients we digest the less unused oxygen will remain which will result in fewer cell-damaging free radicals.


With the concept of oxidative stress in mind, research is growing in the area of diet and cataract prevention. According to All About Vistion, in most of the studies conducted, positive results for a reduction or slowed progression of cataracts were found in those who had a …


Could Your Crohn’s Disease Also Affect Your Eyes?

Posted on Monday, June 1, 2015

As an autoimmune and inflammatory disease, Crohn’s disease also causes complications in the eyes of 10 percent of those who suffer from the disease, according to Everyday Health. In fact, the chief medical officer of Bausch & Lomb, Dr. Calvin Roberts, suggests being tested for Crohn’s if you experience eye inflammation repeatedly. If your eyes are not affected directly by your Crohn’s disease, it is possible to experience eye diseases due to the medications used in your treatment.


Oral steroids are often prescribed to treat Crohn’s and have been known to cause conditions such as high eye pressure, glaucoma and cataracts. Here are the four most common eye diseases that affect Crohn’s disease patients:


Uveitis The uvea is inside of your eye and is rich in blood vessels that supply nutrition to your cornea, lens, iris and retina. Uveitis is when this lining becomes swollen due to inflammation and causes the retina to swell. The swelling causes blurry vision which may occur suddenly, or over a period of time. Left untreated, uveitis can lead to glaucoma and ultimately, vision loss. Due to the inflammatory nature of Crohn’s, uveitis is the most common of eye diseases associated with the illness.


Episcleritis Also fairly …