Managing Diabetic Patients Using UWF Retinal Imaging

Posted on Monday, December 21, 2015

Medicine’s first responsibility is to the patient, but patients often complain about the inconveniences of preventive screenings and can become noncompliant. UWF™ retinal imaging decreases the discomfort of retinal screening, reduces screening time and, as a result, may increase patient satisfaction. Clinicians also benefit, since improved imaging not only allows them to provide enhanced patient care but also invites increased collaboration with colleagues.

Patient Benefits Beyond Improved Imaging

Patients often forgo preventive screenings because, in their minds, the discomfort of pupil dilation during the exam outweighs the potential benefit of preventing disease. This dilation process also extends the visit time and leaves the patient with the side effect of short-term blurred vision. UWF is complimentary and, in some cases, can eliminate patient pupil dilation. Consequently, UWF imaging can decrease examination time, which can significantly improve patient compliance.


Enhanced imaging and diagnostic quality also provide images superior to those produced by current Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) standards for DR screening (Kernt, 2012). Patients who undergo UWF imaging stand to be diagnosed sooner and treated earlier.

Clinician Benefits Beyond Direct Patient Care

Not only does UWF imaging assist in improving patient outcomes, it can be integrated with screening programs. …


The Evolution of Treatment Options for Diabetic Macular Edema

Posted on Friday, December 11, 2015

Diabetic macular edema (DME) has been diagnosed more frequently as detection methods have improved. For Type 1 patients who are diagnosed at an early age, disease management begins at the time of diagnosis, and blood sugar (BS) control is critical to the prevention of secondary microvascular complications. It has been documented that nearly all Type 1 diabetics develop significant retinal disease in the two decades following their initial diagnosis. Baseline retinal disease in these patients has been shown to be a clear prognostic factor for the incidence of vision threatening retinal disease later in life. Type 2 diabetics who showed no retinal disease at diagnosis have lower risk of progression toward retinal disease in the same time period. When a patient is diagnosed with diabetic macular edema (DME), microvascular disease is already evident as clearly shown in multimodality ultra-widefield (200 degrees) or UWFretinal imaging with optomap®. This has been confirmed by UWF fluorescein angiography (FA).

Rapid visualization of the peripheral retina with UWF color and FA imaging (often without a mydriatic agent) allows more pathology to be found at an earlier onset. Peripheral ischemia is determined with confirmatory FA which documents peripheral neovascularization, nonperfusion, and late peripheral vascular leakage. Earlier diagnosis allows earlier treatment. Thus, …


Toy Safety Tips For the Holidays

Posted on Monday, December 7, 2015

Eye safety is sometimes the last thing on people’s minds when buying toys for children. Although no one chooses gifts with the intent to cause any harm, some of the most popular children’s toys can pose threats to eye safety. With the holiday and gift giving season in our midst, here is a list of toys that can often pose a threat to eye safety that you may want to avoid:


1. Guns that shoot any type of projectile

This includes toy guns that shoot lightweight, cushy darts. These toy guns typically shoot up to 75 feet in distance and the darts move at speeds fast enough to cause serious eye injury. BB guns, paintball guns and darts can also be particularly hazardous.


2. Toy wands, swords, sabers or guns with bayonets


These, in general, are an invitation to eye injury. As the old saying goes, “you’ll get poked in the eye!” These toys can be particularly hazardous when used inappropriately with the potential to cause severe eye damage such as corneal abrasion, intraocular pressure, and even permanent vision loss.


3. Laser pointers and bright flashlights


Even though these aren’t technically toys, kids love to play “laser tag” or “flashlight tag”. The light sensitivity of these devices is sufficient …


Ultra-widefield Imaging in the Management of Diabetic Retinopathy

Posted on Tuesday, November 24, 2015

As the rates of diabetes in the US continue to rise, diabetic retinopathy remains one of the leading causes of blindness in adults. Earlier, more accurate detection of retinal pathology is crucial to the successful management of diabetic retinopathy. When compared to traditional examination techniques, the use of ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging technology from Optos, facilitates a more rapid visualization of a much larger area of the retinal periphery, resulting in earlier diagnosis, better evaluation, and more effective treatment options.


Improved Detection


Clinical evidence has shown that UWF imaging can improve the detection of diabetic retinopathy. In the assessment of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema, UWF images have been found to be comparable to the gold standard Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) seven-field color fundus photographs. With the use of UWF imaging, retinal images are obtained more quickly without the need for dilation. In addition, UWF color imaging capable of viewing more than 80 percent or 200° of the retina allows for better viewing of the periphery for diagnostic purposes.


UWF imaging and UWF fluorescein angiography (FA) improves detection and classification by revealing early signs of diabetic retinopathy that may be missed in traditional assessment. The …


World Sight Day: A Clear Goal on Universal Eye Health

Posted on Thursday, October 8, 2015

In an effort to raise global awareness about vision impairment and blindness, the International Association for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have declared October 8 World Sight Day. In the third year of  their theme “Universal Eye Care,” the focus is Eye Care for All.

The mandate for “eye care for all” is to educate and promote to the public that blindness and vision impairment are serious health issues that span the globe. Through the participation in World Sight Day (WSD), the hope is to engage government officials responsible for healthcare and to have them fund and participate in programs for national blindness prevention awareness.


Several points relating to educating the public about unnecessary vision loss internationally have been culled to help provide guidance for those participating in this year’s WSD:


– Low vision or blindness affects roughly 285 million people across the globe. – While approximately 246 million suffer from moderate to severe vision loss, 39 million are blind. – Countries with low incomes hold 90 percent of the persons who are blind. – As many as 80 percent of people who have become blind could have had treatment or preventative measures. – Blindness prevention …


Early Detection ‘Crucial’ in AMD Patient Management

Posted on Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Shown to occur in 18 percent of patients over a five year period, the development of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) has been determined the cause of vision loss in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Furthermore, it has been determined that since there are successful treatments available for CNV before there are visual changes, if it is detected early enough, vision loss due to AMD can be mitigated.


Since treating CNV once damage and vision loss have occurred is not a successful method of restoring vision or reversing damage to the macula in most people, early detection in AMD patients is crucial to maintaining functional vision. By the time changes in vision are noticed by patients, permanent damage has already occurred. Clinical evidence has sufficiently proven that treatments of small AMD lesions has been highly successful, so the earliest possible detection provides the best outcomes in AMD patient management.


Early detection of AMD requires sophisticated equipment and testing processes if sight preservation is to be successful, due to the rapid progression. According to an article published in Retina Today and written by Anat Loewenstein, M.D., early detection “…means a significant gain of vision for most patients.” Not only can this outcome preserve …


Computer Screen Straining Your Eyes? Follow these Steps

Posted on Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Computers play a major role in many people’s daily workday. Remaining focused on computer screens for eight or more hours a day causes a condition that is now known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Since there are many problems associated with eye strain and computer screens, CVS is a generic term that encompasses all of them.



Roughly 50 to 90 percent of people who work on computers suffer from some form of eye problems. When you combine the blue light, flickering and glare from a computer screen with the constant need to focus, your eye muscles face considerable exertion. This can lead to CVS symptoms such as:


– Blurred vision – Seeing double images – Red, dry or irritated eyes – Headaches


Although CVS has not been tied directly to permanent conditions, the symptoms can affect your performance and should be alleviated as much as possible. The following tips can help if you spend many hours a day working with computer screens:


– Be sure to have a yearly comprehensive eye exam including optomap®. Your eye care professional can monitor vision changes if any and diagnose troubling conditions before they do become permanent. If necessary, …


Don’t Forget About Your Kid’s Eyes During the Back to School Rush

Posted on Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Getting your children organized for the return to school is a taxing time filled with lists of things to do. Optos would like to remind you of the importance of vision in your child’s success at school and provide you with some information about children’s eye safety.

In order to reach their maximum potential in school, children need to have excellent vision. In fact, nearly 80 percent of what is taught to your child in school is done so visually, according to experts. Considering that fact, it is easy to understand why children who are at a disadvantage due to poor eyesight struggle with school and learning what they must to be successful.


Comprehensive Eye Exams

Although schools do some basic testing, they are not qualified to diagnose problems with your child’s eyesight. Scheduling your child for a comprehensive eye exam can not only ensure your child’s vision is appropriate or corrected, but also rule out diseases that can potentially lead to vision loss over time.


Avoid Digital Eye Strain

Children spend a lot of time in front of computers and other digital screens, which can lead to eye strain. Talk to your child about exercising their eye muscles frequently …


What Causes Ocular Hypertension?

Posted on Monday, August 31, 2015

Ocular hypertension is a condition where the interior pressure of your eye is higher than what is considered normal. While some people who suffer from the affliction show no outward signs and maintain their vision, some people develop glaucoma and risk losing their vision. Knowing and understanding the causes of ocular hypertension may help you preserve your vision.



Causes of Ocular Hypertension

There are several factors that cause high eye pressure or contribute to the condition and they are closely related to the causes of glaucoma. The main cause of ocular hypertension is an imbalance of the clear fluid (aqueous humor) that flows through your pupil to the front chamber of your eye, between the colored portion (iris) of your eye and the cornea. When too much aqueous humor is produced, or the fluid is not able to drain as it should, the result is ocular hypertension. Other factors that may contribute are:


– Steroid medications taken orally or by eye drops may increase your eye pressure. If you have to take steroid medications, speak to your doctor about having your intraocular pressure (IOP) tested. Although steroids are most common to affect eye pressure, ask your physician or …


Seniors Can Remain Independent Even While Experiencing Vision Loss

Posted on Monday, August 24, 2015

As we age, chronic conditions and physical changes may threaten our independence. Among these is vision loss or low vision. While at one time vision loss may have threatened independent living, there are many resources for senior independence and vision loss that make it possible to carry out the activities of daily living without requiring care.



According to the American Council for the Blind (ACB), more than seven million people over the age of 65 have experienced serious degrees of vision loss with most due to age-related conditions. As the baby boomer generation heads towards senior ages, this number is likely to double by the year 2030. The most common age-related conditions that are causing the serious vision loss are:


– Glaucoma – Age-related Macular Degeneration -Diabetic Retinopathy -Cataracts


If you have not already experienced significant vision loss, or you have not been to see your eye care provider in some time, regular comprehensive eye exams including optomap® UWF™ digital imaging are critical to maintaining your vision. If you are experiencing vision loss, it is even more important to keep the monitoring schedule set by your doctor.

Senior Independence and Vision Loss

With many resources available, vision loss does …