Connection. Passion. Purpose. Visit us at Vision Source Exchange – Phoenix

Posted on Monday, April 20, 2015

Optos is proud to be a diamond sponsor at The Exchange in Phoenix from April 29 through May 2. Held at the Phoenix Convention Center, this year’s theme is Connection, Passion and Purpose which defines the importance of our relationship with Vision Source.



CONNECTION: Over 1200 Vision Source doctors have invested in optomap® technology to treat their patients and enable them to See More and Treat More Effectively.


PASSION: 46 million optomap images taken and clinically supported by 300+ peer-reviewed clinical studies.


PURPOSE: To have Vision Source doctors make optomap their primary choice for retinal imaging.


We invite you to take the opportunity to engage with us while at The Exchange.


Join us in our booth – #312 to find out more about our very latest technology advancements in ultra-widefield retinal imaging Attend our CE session – Wednesday, April 29 – 3:00 – 4:40 PM DIABETES NATION: ARE YOU UP TO DATE? – A. PAUL CHOUS, OD, FAAO See you at the show!

If you would like to learn more about how we can help your practice, please contact us.



Introducing California – Our latest Ultra-Widefield Retinal Imaging Device

Posted on Thursday, April 16, 2015

Designed specifically for ophthalmologists and vitreo-retinal specialists, our California is the latest addition to our ultra-widefield retinal imaging device technology lineup. With new hardware and software, we are helping you see more, discover more and treat more effectively to promote better patient outcomes.



Why California?

We are committed to further strengthening our clinical evidence while demonstrating the importance of imaging the entire retina. California includes a new UWF optomap® imaging modality; Indocyanine Green angiography (icg) while retaining:

-Composite color -Red-free -Autofluorescence (af) -Fluorescein angiography (fa)


Images are now presented in ProView which displays optomap in a consistent geometry that accurately represents anatomical features in the retina. Further, ProView enables automatic image registration for disease tracking over time, and inter-modality image comparison.


New proprietary optical hardware optimizes and maintains resolution of the optomap images throughout the scan of the retina resulting in more clarity in the far periphery.


Image overlay enables comparison between composite color images and red-free, af, fa, or icg images.  Additionally, comparisons can be made between different images or different dates by scrolling through all stored images.


Benefits of California


In addition to the benefits found with all of the UWF devices from Optos such as 200 …


Creating a Quality Experience Can Lead to Patient Loyalty

Posted on Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Effective marketing achieves two goals: attracting new customers and retaining new ones. Many businesses work their way toward the first goal by raising brand awareness through traditional and digital advertising channels. But, not all put the same level of effort on developing brand loyalty, which is imperative for reaching the second goal. Those businesses may not realize that loyal customers are more than customers, but can also serve as brand advocates who increase profits from not only patronage, but referrals.


The eye care industry is no exception. According to Michael Rothschild, OD, in his article on Optometry Times, the relationship between patient loyalty and referrals is a strong one. The idea is that satisfied patients may share their positive experiences with not only with their family and friends, but also to the public by posting their feedback on blogs, social media pages, or review sites. Of course, the question is, do people pay attention to these? The answer is yes.


“There are endless opportunities to research and learn about choices available,” Rothschild writes. “But people still want a recommendation from someone who has been there.”


Potential patients can “Google” for reviews before making a decision on whether or not to go to …


Customer Spotlight: Esplin Eye Center

Posted on Tuesday, April 7, 2015

According to Dr. Esplin, Daytona has had an immediate and improved impact on patient flow, data, and profitability. Dr. Esplin has said that the Daytona provides better clinical information and patient care and is easy to use without interrupting office flow. From a financial standpoint, in his first month, Dr. Esplin covered nearly triple the monthly cost of the Daytona, and that was before he and his staff refined their messaging and approach.


When it comes to patient care, Ophthalmologists that Dr. Esplin has referred his patients to have reported back that his optomap findings could be missed and that they are impressed with the technology.


Dr. Esplin has noticed a new level of enthusiasm from his staff when using the Daytona to image patients. It’s more than just an extra fee to them, the images provide the doctor with valuable clinical data for quality patient care.

Dr. Esplin runs a two-doctor private practice in Spanish Fork, UT.




What is a Detached Retina and What Can You Do About It?

Posted on Thursday, April 2, 2015

A detached retina is a serious eye condition which can cause blindness if not treated by medical professionals. According to the Kellogg Eye Center, symptoms of a detached retina include seeing flashing lights and floaters, or a grey veil which moves across your field of vision.


About Detached Retinas

The retina is essential for vision, as it is the vehicle that sends visual images to the brain. In normal conditions, the retina lies smoothly against the eyeball wall and functions like the film inside a camera. Many millions of light-sensitive retinal cells are responsible for processing and developing optical images and transmitting them to the brain. When a retina becomes detached, vision is blurred and immediate treatment is critical, as any form of detachment results in some loss of sight.

What Causes a Detached Retina?

As people age, the vitreous gel situated between the retina and the lens of the eye may begin to pull away. This is a normal occurrence in most cases, however, some people experience slight tears to the retina as the vitreous gel moves, eventually causing retinal detachment.


Although a detached retina can occur at any age, it is more common in middle-aged people and older. People …


What Women Should Know About Their Eye Health

Posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2015

According to Lighthouse International, several aspects that separate women from men contribute to greater risk factors when it comes to some areas of health. In fact, two-thirds of people in the U.S. who suffer from vision loss are women. This brings to the forefront the importance of women and eye health.



According to Vision Aware, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts are all common diseases that can be exacerbated or caused by the aging process, especially in women. Any or all of these diseases can cause permanent, uncorrectable vision loss if not diagnosed early and treatment started in the onset. Only 9 percent of women realize they are at greater risk for eye disease, and by the time changes in vision are noticed and an exam is done, the damage is usually permanent.


Another factor affecting women and eye health are hormones, according to Vision Aware. Synthetic hormones are used for birth control in earlier years and for control over symptoms of menopause in our later years. While both applications have positive health benefits, they can also affect your vision. Synthetic hormones bring with them the risk of vascular complications such as blood clots and stroke, both …


Assisting Glaucoma Patients Living with Low Vision

Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Caused by excess fluid in the eye, glaucoma results in increased pressure in the eye that may eventually damage the optic nerve, according to The Glaucoma Foundation. Unfortunately, by the time vision loss is noticeable, it is also permanent. A regular comprehensive eye exam incorporating optomap®, which can help with early disease detection, is critical to prevent vision loss. For patients living with glaucoma and low vision, there is help. A low vision specialist can help you redesign your life so you can be safely independent.



Although there are many forms of glaucoma, the following four, according to The Glaucoma Foundation, are some of the most common:


1. Primary Open-Angle: Generally found in patients over 50, this is the most common form of glaucoma in the U.S. This form is characterized by blind spots that form first in the peripheral vision.


2. Normal Tension: Without the detection of higher-than-usual pressure in the eye, this form is thought to be caused by poor circulation of blood to the optic nerve. Vision damage can occur anywhere in the visual field.


3. Angle-Closure: Affecting nearly half a million Americans, this form of glaucoma affects those of Asian descent and far-sighted …


A Diet is Not Just for Your Waistline: 3 Tips for Eating for Eye Health

Posted on Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, March is National Nutrition Month®. The theme for 2015 is “Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle” and aims to educate people on the numerous benefits of eating healthy, maintaining physical activity and developing lifestyle habits. While a healthy diet and exercise program can help you lose weight, it is not just beneficial to your waistline. Because your eyes are complex organs that depend on healthy cells and numerous blood vessels, eating for eye health is important for your vision. Be sure to include these three tips when adopting a healthier lifestyle:



1. Increase Antioxidant Intake

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), antioxidants can help reduce the risk of developing a variety of visual impairments. Foods rich in Vitamins C and E work to create and maintain healthy cells, and there is evidence antioxidants such as these can help prevent glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Vitamin C is best found in fruits and vegetables while Vitamin E is found in nuts, sweet potatoes, and fortified cereals.


2. Eat your Greens

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are vital nutrients that protect the eye against blue light and act as antioxidants. The two nutrients, known …


Customer Spotlight: Advanced Eyecare

Posted on Thursday, March 12, 2015

Scott Schachter, OD added optomap to his practice in 2004 after his patients started saying that automatic dilation was keeping them away.  optomap, which is complimentary to dilation, provides him with clinical data for those patients who want an alternative or want to schedule dilation for a different time.



Over the years, optomap has enabled him to diagnose and treat a variety of diseases and to utilize optomap as part of a year-over-year treatment tool. He says, “The more images I see, the more I realize that I might not see them if I wasn’t using this technology.” Patient education and quality of care has helped him maintain a high acceptance rate, even after eight years.


The images provide the doctor with valuable clinical data for quality patient care and patients who have conditions such as diabetes can see the impact of the disease and understand the need for compliance better. Dr. Schachter says, “You can say the words, but without patients seeing what you’re talking about, it’s not the same.”


Practice Information

– Advanced Eyecare and the Eyewear Gallery – Pismo Beach, CA – Single doctor, private practice


Reason for Purchase

– Patient education …


Basic Eye Care: Protect Your & Your Family’s Eyesight

Posted on Tuesday, March 3, 2015

In order for our organs, such as our heart and lungs, to function well and remain healthy, we must take care of them. However, we often neglect our eyes until we have a problem with our vision. In order to protect your and your family’s eyesight, the following basic eye care and health measures were suggested by the Center for Disease Control.


Regular Comprehensive Eye Exams



Regularly scheduled comprehensive eye exams are paramount to protecting vision. Eye diseases and problems that damage vision often start before you notice any symptoms. Unfortunately for many, once problems are noticeable, treatment is unable to restore lost eyesight. Be sure to provide the doctor with a complete family history, and stick to the schedule they provide for you and your family members. Ask your doctor if they use optomap® in addition to dilation.


Diet and Weight


Maintaining a healthy weight is very important. If you are overweight or obese, you are more susceptible to diabetes, which can lead to diabetic retinopathy, as well as an increased risk of developing glaucoma. Stick to a diet that bolsters eye health and your whole body will benefit.


Protective Eyewear


Whether …