A Look into the Female Gaze: Taking Steps Today to Protect the Future

Posted on Wednesday, April 21, 2021

A comprehensive eye exam should include a thorough examination of the retina, including an optomap, which is complementary to a DFE and an excellent tool for screening and for patient education. A optomap helps doctors to discover and document the retina with little or no face-to-face interaction and takes only seconds to get a highly-detailed view of the retina, which is critical for detection and management of both ocular and systemic diseases.


Looking to the Retina to Assist with Sports Related Eye Injuries

Posted on Thursday, April 15, 2021

Athletes of all levels need to be prepared and protect themselves from injury.  Many, avid sports player or not, have likely experienced some type of sports-related injury.  In some cases, these injuries may have happened directly to the eye, from orbital blowout fracture, ruptured globe, or a detached retina and some can be detected, along with other types of pathology, by looking at the health of the eye. Because the retina is the only place in the body where vasculature can be viewed non-invasively, eyecare professionals are looking to the retina to assist them in identifying, diagnosing, and treating ocular issues in athletes. Many of these eyecare professionals choose the ONLY ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal image, optomap, to assist them like no other retinal imaging technology can. 


Optos Recognizes Key Profession of Eye Care on World Optometry Day

Posted on Tuesday, March 23, 2021

With more than 18,000 devices installed across the globe, there are countless stories to be told regarding how optomap has helped save sight and save lives in all eye care settings. Optos continues to highlight Optometrists worldwide who embrace utilizing optomap® ultra-widefield retinal imaging for their patients


optomap UWF Imaging Helps Eyecare Professionals Protect Vision and Save Sight

Posted on Monday, March 15, 2021

Each year, March is recognized as National Save your Vision Month, a campaign designated to promote good eye health. This year, the American Optometric Association is highlighting awareness surrounding digital eyestrain and the continued importance of regular, comprehensive eye exams.   As computers becoming even more a part of everyday life, the risk of eye strain is higher than ever.  While there are many more eye diseases that exist, and not all can be prevented, there are simple steps that everyone can take to help keep their eyes healthy now, reducing the chance of vision loss in the future, routine comprehensive eye exams are one of them.  


Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), More Than a "Macular" Condition

Posted on Tuesday, February 16, 2021

optomap imaging can assist eyecare professional to find and document AMD earlier and potentially change the course of the disease.


Raising Awareness: Living with Low Vision

Posted on Monday, February 1, 2021

February is additionally observed as Low Vision Awareness Month. During this time, we all have the opportunity to raise awareness about visual impairment and rehabilitation for those who are living with low vision.


optomap fa in Progression to PDR

Posted on Friday, January 22, 2021

Findings suggest that optomap fa imaging may improve clinician’s ability to identify signs of diabetic retinopathy progression.


optomap Enables Diagnosis and Treatment for the Prevention of Glaucoma Related Blindness

Posted on Friday, January 15, 2021

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that progress gradually, stealing sight, without showing symptoms. The word ‘glaucoma’ is actually an umbrella term for a group of eye diseases that damage the delicate fibers that run from your eye to your optic nerve, which is the nerve that carries information about the images your eye sees to your brain. Damage is often the result of high fluid pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma can affect people of all ages but is most prevalent in middle-aged adults and the elderly. While there is no cure, surgery or medication can slow its effects and help to prevent further vision loss.


optomap Detects 89.2% of Peripheral Lesions

Posted on Thursday, January 7, 2021

Results of a recent study shows excellent agreement in the assessment of the peripheral retina and suggest that optomap imaging is a useful tool in the assessment of eyes with peripheral retinal lesions, with a high sensitivity and reproducibility. 


optomap UWF Advances

Posted on Tuesday, December 22, 2020

UWF Retinal Imaging - And update on recent advances