Press Images and Logo

Logo and Image Usage Agreement 

Image Use Agreement 

Please read through the agreement carefully. Click the link at the bottom of the page to acknowledge the Image Use Agreement and to download Optos logo and images. 

Important Image Use Information 

By copying or making any use of Optos images, you acknowledge that you have read and understand, and agree to, the Image Usage Agreement below that governs your use of the Image(s). If you do not agree to the Agreement’s terms, do not copy or use the Image(s) in any way, unless you have written permission signed by Optos. 

Image Usage Agreement 

Subject to the terms of this Agreement, you may use the Image(s) solely in whole for editorial use by press and/or industry analysts. This right to use is personal to you and is not transferable by you to another party. The Image(s) cannot be used to promote or sell any product or technology (such as on advertising, brochures, book-covers, stock photos, t-shirts, or other promotional merchandise). You may not alter, or modify the Image(s), in whole or in part, for any reason. 

As between you and Optos, Optos is and shall remain the sole and exclusive owner of the Image(s). You will not delete, alter, or obfuscate any proprietary legends relating to the Image(s), and each use will be accompanied by the applicable proprietary attribution shown next to the Image(s). 

The Image(s) is provided by Optos on an “as is‟ basis, without warranty of any kind, including non-infringement or ownership. You, not Optos, are responsible for your use of the Image(s). Any misuse of the Image(s) or breach of this Agreement will cause Optos irreparable harm. Optos is either an owner or licensee of the image(s), not an agent for the owner. We understand that you will give our company a credit line as follows: “Courtesy of Optos” and also credit the photographer if noted. 


Prohibited Uses of Optos Trademarks 


1. Do Not Use Optos Trademarks as the Name of Your Company, Products, or Services, or as a Domain Name. You may not use or register in any jurisdiction, whether foreign or domestic, any Optos Trademark as all or part of your company, product, or service name in a manner that is likely to create confusion as to Optos’ sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement of your company, product, or service, or that may dilute the Optos Trademark. Similarly, you may not use or register in any jurisdiction, whether foreign or domestic, a domain name that incorporates any Optos Trademark in bad faith or in a manner that is likely to create confusion as to Optos’ sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement of your company, product, or service. 

2. Do Not Use Optos Trademarks in False or Misleading Advertising. Advertising for Optos or its products or services offered under the Optos Trademarks must not be false or misleading in any way and must not be in violation of any applicable law, municipal ordinance, or administrative agency regulation of any country. 

3. Do Not Use Optos Trademarks in Objectionable Material. You may not use Optos Trademarks on or in connection with any defamatory, scandalous, pornographic, or other objectionable materials of any sort. 

4. Do Not Use Optos Trademarks to Disparage Optos. You may not use Optos Trademarks to disparage Optos, its products or services, or in a manner that, in Optos’ reasonable judgment, may diminish or otherwise damage the reputation of Optos or the goodwill in the Optos Trademarks. 


Prohibited Uses of Optos Trademarks 


1. Use Optos Trademarks to Refer to Optos Products or Services. With the exception of Optos logos (the use of which must be expressly authorized by Optos), you generally may use Optos Trademarks to refer to 

Optos’ products or services in advertising, promotional, and sales materials, assuming that you have the necessary authority to sell or promote Optos’ products or services, e.g. authorized reseller, licensee, etc. 


2. Use Optos Trademarks to Indicate a Relationship to Optos Products. You may indicate the relationship of your products and services to Optos products or services by using an accurate referential phrase in connection with your product or service, for example, "for use with Optos software" or "compatible with Optos software" provided that the referential phrase is accurate and complies with the requirements set forth in any license agreement with Optos. 



Rules for Proper Usage of Optos Trademarks 

These Trademark Usage Guidelines (the "Guidelines") set forth the rules for using or referring to the trademarks and service owned by Optos plc. For the purposes of these Guidelines, " Optos Trademark(s)" shall include all registered or unregistered trademarks and service marks (such as words, names, symbols, devices, slogans, or combination of these) owned by Optos. 

Download the Complete Optos Brand Manual 

Misuse of Optos Trademarks by Others 

If you learn of any uses of any trademarks that are confusingly similar to the Optos Trademarks, please notify Optos by sending an e-mail. Similarly, if you become aware of any use of an Optos Trademark that violates any of the rules described above, including failure to identify Optos Trademarks as belonging to Optos plc, please notify us. If possible, please provide a copy of the article or other medium in which the trademark violation appeared. 


By downloading and using any of the Optos product images, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the following Image Usage Agreement. 

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