Clinical Papers & Literature

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optomap Equivalent to ETDRS

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Peripheral Lesions Identified on Ultrawide Field Imaging Predict Increased Risk of Diabetic Retinopathy Progression over 4 Years

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optomap Improves Clinic Efficiency

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A Review of Clinical Applications and Future Trends

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optomap shows more vortex vein ampullae than previously reported (ORPHEE2)

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Comparison of Image-Assisted Versus Traditional Fundus Examination

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optomap Helpful in Telemedicine Programs

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Feasibility and clinical utility of ultra-widefield indocyanine green angiography.

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Non-contact ultra-widefield imaging of retinopathy of prematurity using the Optos dual wavelength scanning laser ophthalmoscope.

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Can Ultra-widefield Retinal Imaging Replace Colour Digital Stereoscopy for Glaucoma Detection?

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Comparison Between Ultra-Widefield Pseudocolor Imaging and Indirect Ophthalmoscopy in the Detection of Peripheral Retinal Lesions

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optomap fa - Key Indicator in Progression to PDR

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48% of Uveitis Patient's Treatment Changed with optomap

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Peripheral Changes Found in 97% of Patients with AMD Imaged with optomap in the Reykjavik and OPERA studies

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Feasibility of peripheral OCT imaging using a novel integrated SLO ultra-widefield imaging swept-source OCT device

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Defining Ultra-widefield - The use of consistent nomenclature when describing the FOV captured by retinal images. 

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optomap Guided OCT Improves Patient Management

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optomap Improves Clinic Efficiency

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Multimodal optomap retinal imaging enhances the management of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

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optomap Multimodality UWF Imaging that Improves Clinical Practice

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